Ovid Federated Church
Our regular Sunday schedule begins with Prayers and concerns at 9:45 AM. Our recorded service begins at 10am and will be posted on our YouTube channel. We welcome children of all ages to stay and worship with us or if you prefer, following the Children's Sermon, children may be taken to the nursery. Christian Education classes for children and youth start at 9:45am to 10:10 (from Pre-K through High School) when the children return to the sanctuary for Children's time.
Often, we follow the lectionary of Scriptures; focusing on the same Scriptures as a majority of the other churches and denominations all around the world.
OFC provides bulletins for most services as well as PowerPoint presentations to guide you through songs, prayers, Scriptures, etc. We provide both the Methodist version of the hymnal and the NRS version of the Bible in the pews. There are two large-print Bibles available in the back of the sanctuary and you are also welcome to bring your own.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month. We alternate between Methodist (at the rail) and Presbyterian (in the pews) styles. The elements are bread and grape juice so that all people may feel welcome to participate. Gluten free bread is also available.
Please stay after morning worship and join us for coffee hour. First Sunday of the month is "Soup
Sunday" and we have our dish - to - pass the last Sunday of the month.
We would love the opportunity to meet you.
OFC uploads our Sunday service every week on our YouTube page. You may click on the YouTube Icon to go directly to the OFC Media Room YouTube Channel to watch Live Video or Archived Videos